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Learn more about a New Doctoral Fellowship!

Peri Schwartz-Shea

Dr. Peregrine Schwartz-Shea (Emerita, Dept. of Political Science) has endowed a Dissertation Fellowship for Interpretive Research in Political Science, honoring her decades-long collaboration with Prof. Dvora Yanow and providing funds to support interpretive dissertation projects.

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CSBS Conversations: Ukraine - Russia War, One Year Later

russia ukraine war

One year following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Dr. Brent Steele and Political Science alum John Russo reflect on the state of the conflict, offering their insight on the cultural, political, and economic outcomes of the war thus far.

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Faculty Feature

dan mccool

Professor Emeritus Daniel McCool (Political Science), recently testified in a two-week Montana voting laws case, deciding whether ballot collectors in Montana can be paid, what forms of identification are acceptable to vote and whether removing Election Day registration is legal.

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Last Updated: 12/5/23