Book an appointment with your career coach today!
click here to book now
What can career coaching do for you?
The College of Social & Behavioral Science has partnered with U Career Success to
bring personalized career coaching to you! Full-time career coaches will meet one-to-one
with you to help you focus your career visions and achieve your professional goals.
They will guide you in exploring career opportunities, writing strong resumes, and
building connections with organizations in law, politics, government, social work,
counselling, human resources and more.
Appointments will be held in Gardner Commons and remotely if needed.
Career coaches can help you:
Practice job interviews
Apply to grad school
Negotiate your salary
Book an appointment with your career coach click here to book now
For Anthropology, Criminology, Political Science, and Sociology Majors:

Jennifer Kumar
Career Coach
Office Location: GARFF 1300
and Gardner Commons 2455
For Psychology Majors:

For all other CSBS Majors:

Early Career Coach

Career Resources
Have an online interview? Our Career Studio rooms are equipped with proper lighting, camera, sound, microphone, and backdrop. Schedule the Career Studio.
Stop by GARFF 1300 to borrow complimentary professional clothes for that important interview, career fair, etc.
Get a professional headshot taken to use on your LinkedIn profile, presentations, and more.
CSBS Internships
Want to learn more about internship opportunities? Book an appointment with CSBS Internship Programming Advisor, Sarah Frederick
click here to book now
For more information about internships visit the CSBS Internships website: CSBS Internships