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Can America's political environment be detoxed?

us capitol

A massive study of 25 video interventions points to solutions for reducing polarization, anti-democratic attitudes and support for political violence.

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Q&A: Dr. Lisa Diamond (Psych, Gender Studies)

Lisa Diamond

Dr. Lisa Diamond, professor of psychology and gender studies, offers her expertise on sexuality and intimate relationships to the documentary Lover of Men: The Untold History of Abraham Lincoln, providing a nuanced perspective on Lincoln's same-sex relationships and challenging modern views of sexual identity.

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Dr. Cynthia Berg Receives Rosenblatt Prize

Dr. Cynthia Berg

Cynthia Berg, a distinguished professor of psychology, and world-renowned business scholar Jay Barney are the 2024 recipients of the Rosenblatt Prize of Excellence in recognition of their years of impactful research and teaching at the University of Utah.

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Faculty Feature - Dr. Cory Inman Awarded NIH BRAIN Initiative Grant

Dr. Cory Inman

Dr. Cory Inman, assistant professor of psychology, has received a significant grant from the National Institute of Health as part of the BRAIN initiative. His research has been recognized for its innovative approach and potential impact on understanding cognitive and neural processes related to memory formation.

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Last Updated: 3/11/22