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A Woman's Worth: The Inequities of Utah's Workforce

In a recent program of the Hinckley Institute Radio Hour, researchers from the Departments of Economics and Sociology discussed women in Utah's workforce, and the underlying social and institutional inequities present in our state.

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2023 CSBS Distinguished Alumni - Wade C. Roberts

Wade Roberts

Congratulations to our 2023 CSBS Distinguished Alumni Honoree Wade Roberts (B.A. ’04, PhD ’09, Economics) for receiving the Change-maker Award.

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Project Spotlight - Connect 2 Collect

connect 2 collect

Dr. Lori Kowaleski-Jones (Family & Consumer Studies) and Dr. Norm Waitzman (Economics), co-directors of the project Connect to Collect, recently sat down to discuss their ongoing work and the ways their project will help shape the future of Utah families.

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Faculty Feature

Catherine Ruetschlin

Economics faculty member Catherine Ruetschlin spoke about the recent uptick in layoffs occurring in a number of Utah-based companies. Is this a sign of an impending recession or other economic forces at play?

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Last Updated: 3/11/22