Petitions for Exception to Policy
You must be a declared major or pre-major in the College of Social and Behavioral Science in order to submit petitions for Exception to Policy to this college.
Have you taken a course at another institution that may qualify as a general education
requirement at the U of U? If you are a CSBS Major, you can complete the General Education
Course Petition Form below, and it will be reviewed by one of our CSBS General Education
Liaisons. You can also contact for additional help.
Note: Courses can only be evaluated for admitted students to the U of U with the relevant transfer course posted on their Degree Audit. CSBS General Education Liaisons can evaluate transfer credits for all general education requirements at the U except for the following:
- Petitions for QL (Math) credit must be done through the Math department via the Math Transfer Course Evaluation Form.
- Petitions for LR (language) credit must be done through the Department of World Languages and Cultures.
- If you want to petition a course taken at the University of Utah that does not already have a general education designation, you can petition a U of U course here.
Ally Marringa
Phone: 801-213-1144
Address: Gardner Commons, Suite 3725
Advising Hours: By appointment
Petition Guide & Forms