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Faith, Power and team awarded NSF CNH grant

tyler faith and mitch powerCongratulations to Tyler Faith of anthropology and Mitchell Power of geography! They, along with David Braun of George Washington University and Matthew Douglass of University of Nebraska, have been awarded one of the highly competitive NSF Dynamics of Coupled Natural and Human Systems (CNH) grants. Their proposal is titled "CNH-S: Exploring the history of coupled climatic and human influences on ecosystem changes during the last one million years."

Tyler Faith (left), assistant professor of anthropology and curator of archeology for the Natural History Museum of Utah, is a member of the Biodiversity Transformative Excellence Program. Mitchell Power (right), associate professor of geography and curator of the Garrett Herbarium for the Natural History Museum of Utah, also serves as the co-science director of the Rio Mesa Center.

Last Updated: 3/12/21