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Laura Beane

Laura Beane

BS Political Science
President & CEO
Angravid Renewables

Laura has spent more than 20 years with Avangrid Renewables, including its original parent, holding a wide variety of roles and responsibilities in myriad facets of the business. She currently serves as President and CEO. Her previous executive role as VP of Operations and Management Services followed her tenure as Director of Market Structure and Policy. In addition, she has led numerous special projects including the company’s innovative Self-Supply program, which involves Avangrid Renewables taking responsibility for the balancing obligation of its 1400 MWs of wind in the Pacific Northwest.

Laura holds an MBA from Comillas and Strathclyde universities as part of Iberdrola’s Master in the Global Energy Industry and previously earned an MBA and Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Utah. Laura also serves as the Chairman of the Board of The Climate Trust, a national leader in carbon offset projects and innovative climate change solutions.



Last Updated: 3/12/21