Siegfried Karsten
MS Economics; PhD Economics
Systems Analyst
Hercules Powder Company
Siegfried Karsten earned three degrees from the University of Utah including a bachelor's degree in mathematics in 1958, a master's degree in economics in 1962, and a Ph.D. in 1970 in economics.
During his professional career, Siegfried worked as a systems analyst for Hercules Powder Company where he developed a computerized management information system. He also worked with the state of Utah to conduct demand and elasticity studies for the electricity and natural gas industries.
Siegfried served on a number of university faculties including the University of Utah as an adjunct professor of economics, the University of Wyoming, and the State University of West Georgia. He was a Fulbright Professor at Jilin University in Changchun, China and at Ernst-Moritz Arndt University in Greifswald, Germany.
Siegfried has written several columns on industrial policy, consumer behavior, environment and development, and China's and the Soviet Union's approaches to socialist social market economics. He is the author of Business Forecasting and Economic Cycles.
In 1999, Siegfried and his wife Ellen established a fellowship in honor of their friends, Mary and Frank Howard. The fellowship is awarded to an economics graduate student at the U. In 2002, they established the Siegfried and Ellen Karsten Endowed Foster Scholarship Program- a scholarship given to a young woman who has grown up within the foster care system.