Jill McAree
BS Sociology
Discover's Professional Women Impacting Results (PWIR) Chapter
Jill started her career at Discover 21 years ago. She is a tenacious business leader, constantly considering ways to improve the experience with Discover for employees, customers, and the community. Recently, Jill led the complete overhaul of the recruiting process for all field hiring across the country. She worked to improve the sourcing, interviewing, hiring, and onboarding of new employees. When anyone talks to her about building the right culture, the force behind her enthusiasm is not only palpable, but contagious.
Jill's focus on creating a community that is helpful, welcoming and inclusive for all extends beyond her day job. In her personal life, Jill volunteers on a regular basis for a variety of non-profit organizations that work to improve the Utah community and support those who are less fortunate. Overall, whether it's in a work or personal environment, Jill strives to consistently support and grow those around her and improve their life experiences for the better.
- Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS): In 2019, Jill worked tirelessly to create one of the largest corporate relationships in the state with BBBS. She coordinates with BBBS and Discover employees, ensuring the program offers a safe, welcoming environment for the "littles" to come to Discover every other week. Jill's passion to help the children from local title one schools and her determination to see them successful in life is inspiring. She coordinates all volunteer activities and works with leaders of the local BBBS chapter to ensure the program meets the needs of the children. This group easily spends over 200 hours per year volunteering.
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints: Each week, Jill spends time teaching and mentoring young women. She feels especially passionate about supporting these girls since they are at a critical time in their lives and transitioning to adulthood. These relationships extend beyond church and are impactful in personal, professional, and educational decisions.
- David Eccles School of Business: As an Alumni of the Executive MBA program, Jill participates in the Alumni Advisory Board. This provides an opportunity to influence curriculum, engagement, continuing education, and growth of the Eccles programs.
- Festival of Trees: Jill serves as an Executive Board Member for the Festival of Trees, an annual fundraising effort for Primary Children's Hospital. Last year, she volunteered over 500 hours to help raise millions of dollars for the hospital.
- Professional Women Impacting Results (PWIR): Jill is a co-sponsor of Discover's local chapter of the PWIR Diversity and Inclusion group, which focuses on empowering women to produce extraordinary results, while balancing their personal and work lives. PWIR is involved in many community outreach events, including the annual Making Strides Breast Cancer Awareness Walk, and partnering with House of Hope. Additionally, the group sponsors many events at Discover to assist women with resources, mentoring, and coaching.
Like many of us, you would think she would go home at the end of a long day and take some personal time to recharge. However, in the spring of 2019, Jill and her husband made the decision to expand their family and adopt Jesi, a beautiful 15 year old from Colombia. When they adopted her, Jesi had only two years of formal education and didn't speak a word of English. Jill spends her time at home helping her daughter to learn English, bring her up-to-speed on her education and deal with all the other joys and challenges that come from being a mother.
"This has been an amazing experience, full of ups and downs, but amazing nonetheless," Jill said. "Having the opportunity to help Jesi assimilate into our culture, education system, language, and general way of life has been one of the most impactful things we have ever done. Not a day goes by that someone won't make a comment about how blessed Jesi is to have our family. But if I were honest, I would say we have been the most blessed, the most changed, and learned the most. I share our experience and how much it has helped our family really learn what is most important, every chance I get."