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Garth Jones

Garth N. Jones

Friend of CSBS
Founding Dean
College of Business and Public Policy at the University of Alaska at Anchorage

The Dr. Garth N. Jones Writing Award was established by G. Kevin Jones to honor the career of his father. Dr. Jones is a prolific author and has published over 200 articles, monographs, and books covering topics in public policy and comparative administration with focus on Pakistan and Indonesia, as well as numerous articles on Mormon history and culture.

Dr. Jones has devoted nearly his entire career of some five decades as a practitioner-academe in the area of public policy and international development. He has spent considerable time in the Pacific Basin, Southeast Asia, South Asia, and East Asia. For over twenty-five years Dr. Jones was privileged to call the state of Alaska his home. He was the founding Dean of the College of Business and Public Policy at the University of Alaska at Anchorage, worked closely with the municipality of Anchorage on management and budget issues, and served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Alaska Council of World Affairs.

Dr. Jones has held positions on several university faculties in the United States including Brigham Young University, University of Southern California where he was Professor of the Year of the School of Public Administration, Colorado State University, and the University of Alaska at Anchorage. Outside the United States Dr. Jones held faculty positions at University of Gadjah Mada in Jogjakarta, Indonesia; University of Punjab in Lahore, Pakistan; and National Chengchi University in Mucha, Taipei, Taiwan, where he was a Senior Fulbright Scholar. He was a visiting fellow at the Academia Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan, and Senior Scholar at the East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Dr. Jones has held assignments with the U.S. Office of Island Affairs, Department of Interior; U.S. Agency for International Development, U.S. Department of State; World Bank, Ford Foundation; and the United Nations. He has made consultation trips to Central America, English Caribbean, Iran, and East and West Africa.

Dr. Jones received a $100 scholarship from Sears and Roebuck which provided the opportunity to attend Utah State. Scholarship funds enabled Dr. Jones' education, laying a successful professional career and providing an escape from rural poverty. Dr. Jones has established scholarships at Brigham Young University, Utah State University, and writing awards at University of Alaska at Anchorage, and University of Utah. He holds a B.S. (1947) from Utah State University, and M.S. (1948) and Ph.D. (1954) degrees, including a graduate certificate in public administration from the University of Utah. Active in the L.D.S. church, he married Marie Clegg and their children were Edward, Kevin and Drew.


Last Updated: 3/12/21