Rebecca Chavez-Houck
MS Public Administration
Salt Lake City's District 24 Representative
Utah House of Representatives
A Utah native, Rebecca Chavez-Houck holds a B.A. in Journalism and Mass Communication and a Master of Public Administration (MPA), both from the University of Utah. She has represented Salt Lake City's District 24 in the Utah House of Representatives since 2008 and focuses on public policy related to health and human services as well as voter engagement and access. She currently serves as House Democratic Whip.
Chavez-Houck's passion for social justice advocacy and desire to develop progressive public policy was forged in the multicultural community of Bingham Canyon, where her parents met. Her compassion for the less fortunate, pride in cultural diversity, commitment to the environment, and support for our public education system was undoubtedly shaped by her parents' influence.
Chavez-Houck served as a public affairs staffer for a number of local Utah nonprofits from 1985 to 2007 and cultivated a parallel "career" as a volunteer for nonprofits ranging from Envision Utah to the ACLU to Planned Parenthood Association of Utah. She has taught volunteer engagement classes as adjunct faculty for the U of U's MPA program.
Rebecca and her husband, Martin Houck, live in Salt Lake City's Avenues area and have two children, Erica and Michael.