December 2010 Newsletter
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DID You Know?The job of “Sociologist” is ranked among the best jobs in the U.S. by the Wall Street Journal- opens new window and the University of Utah boasts the 32nd most influential - opens new windowSociology Department in the U.S. for influential publications. If that isn’t enough, Sociology offers 20 online courses allowing students to complete all their major requirements. And for you non-majors, both the Criminology and the Diversity Certificates are open to you.
HELP A STUDENT IN NEEDOur outstanding students face financial challenges every day. Please considerdonating- opens new window to our Honor Roll Scholarship fund. Any amount is welcome. Visitour giving website to learn more about these scholarships and the students they benefit. For questions about giving to the College or to mail a gift, contact: |

Utah Graduate and Radio City Rockette Proves Diversity Matters
Utah cum laude graduate and Radio City Rockette Talese Hunt knows that diversity is a sure way to kick start your post-graduate career. Hunt graduated with a psychology degree and a minor in anthropology, always being fully aware that having options after education is tantamount to success. Read the full story
A Bright Spot in a Shadowy Economy
We know all too well the strains the economy has put on the average American and student in particular. But hope isn’t as far-fetched as it may seem. Scholarships, grants and other forms of economic assistance are a beacon of hope—especially for Cynthia Ortiz, the recipient of the Wells Fargo Scholarship for Honor Roll students at the University of Utah. Read the full story
State of the Union; the 112th Congress
“The liberal philosophy is running this country down the drain,” says Senator Orrin Hatch, “and your futures are headed down the drain if we don’t stop it.” The Senator, who recently spoke at the Hinckley Institute of Politics at the University of Utah, believes the Democratic electorate is spending the country blind and “pissing our futures down the drain.” He notes issues with the tax system which he believes is too lenient on the bottom 40 percent. Read the full story
Reflecting with Reynolds
On Thursday, December 9 the College honored Stephen Reynolds for his 17 years of service as associate dean. Steve served three deans, Donna Gelfand, Steve Ott and David Rudd. Reynolds offered a number of reflections in a recent interview. Making a college education more accessible is an underpinning tenant of Reynolds' tenure. For years, Reynolds always taught at night in order to lead the way in providing more options for students. He also championed online courses to assure students online access to education. The college now has several full majors as online offerings. Read the full story
“Utah Geography: Getting mistaken for Geology since 1947”
The Geography Department hosted Geography Week from November 16th to the 19th. This year's event featured an outstanding panel, vibrant booths, and a great selection of photo, research posters, and t-shirt contest entries. It was difficult to select only a few winners out of the all the amazing submissions. The only way to experience them is to see them for yourself. Check out the winners here.
Adventures in Anthropology
The next installment of the Adventures In Anthropology Lecture Series will feature Professor Alan Rogers. He will be speaking on Human Evolution: Only a Theory? which will be held January 27 at noon in the Gould Auditorium. Alan Rogers is best known for his contributions to evolutionary genetics. His new book, The Evidence for Evolution, will be published next spring.
Adolescent Coping with Depression
FCS graduate students and professionals are invited to register for a Special Topics course offering in Spring 2011 (FCS 5962) with Cheryl Wright entitled “Adolescent Coping with Depression.” First priority in this course will be given to graduate students, however undergraduates may have an opportunity to enroll as well. Continuing education units are also available. Those interested are encouraged to contact Bobbi Davis at for further information.
Mark your calendars for March 4th and 5th for the annual Eric Moerer Memorial Lecture Series. The lecture will feature Jenel Jorgenson, M.A., MFT of the Oregon Research Institute. The workshop is designed for graduate students and professional clinicians about how to educated professionals about how to implement the ACWDC in the their practice. Please see the flyer for more information.