April Northstrom
Friend of CSBS
Grant Writing & Prospect Research Associate
Pathway Team
April Northstrom is a Grant Writing and Prospect Research Associate with the Pathway team. She began her nonprofit career as an intern with the Make-A-Wish Foundation® of Utah and has since worked as a development professional with nonprofits across the United States, including the American Red Cross of Northeast Indiana, Goodwill Industries of Northeast Indiana and Children's Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota.
After experiencing all aspects of fundraising from direct mail and planned gifts to board giving and special events, Northstrom is proud to be a professional grant writer and nonprofit consultant where she can help organizations build sustainable revenue resources. Her expertise and passion for grant writing guides nonprofit organizations of all sizes on the best path to cultivate and steward gifts from private foundations and corporate giving programs. April has had the privilege to engage with all types of nonprofit organizations as a staff member, volunteer, board member and consultant and thoroughly appreciates the creative process that goes into quality fundraising planning. She currently serves on the board of directors for the Utah Society of Fund Raisers (USFR) and assists as a reviewer for granting organizations.
Northstrom holds a Master of Public Administration degree from the University of Utah's Executive MPA program. She also earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in communications, with a minor in psychology from Westminster College and a Certificate in Fund Raising Management (CFRM) from the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University.