Lee Ellington
PhD Psychology
University of Utah
Lee Ellington is a Professor at the College of Nursing, a clinical psychologist, and a Huntsman Cancer Institute Investigator. She holds the Robert S. and Beth M. Carter Endowed Chair. Dr. Ellington has an interdisciplinary program of research in family-patient-provider communication. Her primary interest is in meeting the health and well-being needs of family caregivers of advance cancer patients through communication processes. She is the PI of an R01 Cancer Caregiver Interactions with the Hospice Team: Implications for End of Life and Bereavement Outcomes (RNR016249). She has studied interpersonal health communication in a range of health care contexts, including primary care, genetic counseling, poison control, and hospice home care. Her focus is on the interpersonal communication mechanisms which predict health and psychosocial adjustment.
Dr. Ellington Co-Directs the T32 Interdisciplinary Training in Cancer, Caregiving, and End-of-Life Care (T32NR013456). Her primary teaching responsibilities are in the nursing PhD program. She is auxiliary faculty for the Communication and Psychology Departments. She mentors pre-doctoral, post-doctoral and junior faculty who have a research interest in family caregiving.